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    #GreyMuzzleGratitude 2023 Winners



    In celebration of Adopt a Senior Pet Month and the thankfulness of the season, we asked everyone who has experienced the love of an older dog to submit their pup in our #GreyMuzzleGratitude Challenge. The incredible love stories and expressions of gratitude truly warmed our hearts!
    "We were incredibly touched by this year's contest entries. Older dogs have so much love to give and enrich our lives in countless ways," said Lisa Lunghofer, executive director of Grey Muzzle. "We hope these expressions of gratitude inspire more people to open their hearts and homes to senior dogs."
    Choosing this year’s winners was nearly impossible because we fell in love with every sweet face and touching tale of gratitude. Thank you for sharing your senior dog’s story with all of us!
    Selected from over 90 entries, the winner and top ten pups listed below (in no particular order) celebrate our priceless love for the senior dogs who enrich our lives.

    Brody - WINNER!
    Brody is 13 years young. Currently battling kidney disease, and we are grateful for every single day he remains here with us. He has been my protector, my confidant, and my friend throughout his life and has become the same for my kids. He has taught me so much... I can't imagine my days without him.

    "Oh how sweet is time for allowing you and I to live in the same lifetime."  

    ~Mandy Hamilton



    After my very first dog passed away, my heart was so broken that I couldn't imagine ever loving another being as much as I loved her. After several months, I decided to get another senior dog, as I still had an LGD mix who was getting older but seemed like he needed a companion again. I adopted Lady Bug from the county shelter, a very old border collie of unknown age who had been found in the woods. I cannot even express how much I loved her instantly.  

    She was only with me for a year and a half before she passed of cancer (1 year ago on Oct 28th), but I'm still grateful to her every single day for showing me that I would have that connection again. I miss you every day, baby bug!

    ~HK McLaughlin


    Angus first came to me as a foster. His arms were twisted and arthritic, but he carried himself with quiet dignity. He had a sweet demeanor and mostly stayed to himself. The rescue made sure he was as happy and healthy as he could be. When processing applications, someone posted an applicant who was an elderly gentleman with mobility issues and over 30 years of bulldog experience, and Angus came right to mind. Bob had lost his wife and, shortly after, his beloved bully. His brother was worried, so he assisted Bob with the application, and the rest was just meant to be.... 

    Sadly, Bob's brother also passed before he could meet Angus, but Bob and Angus were inseparable. Bob kept in touch monthly. They enjoyed two years together with their morning coffee on the porch and Angus roaming about to do his walk, never leaving Bob's sight. 

    Bob became like a second father to me and made me repeatedly promise that if anything happened to him, Angus would be placed with me for the rest of his days. It was an honor and a privilege to fulfill that promise. January of this year, Angus reunited with Bob at the Rainbow Bridge. I still miss them both every day, but I am so proud to have played a role in bringing the two of them together, not once, but twice and forever.*
    (*edited slightly for length) 

    ~Patti McConnell



    Shelter dog turned Certified Therapy Dog. Enjoyed visiting kids & families in the hospital to spread some cheer. Loved all creatures with a heartbeat. She was mine. I was hers. Soul dog. Came into my life when she was 4 years old. Blessed with her companionship for 10 years. Crossed the rainbow bridge 3/27/23 at age 14. I miss her every day. 
    ~Christina Ogneoff



    Harry was welcomed with open arms into our home 4 years ago this coming May. I am a vet tech, and he was scheduled to be put to sleep for being “too old and blind” at the ripe age of 12. 4 years later, and we can’t imagine our lives without him, neither can his 4-legged brothers. He can’t see or hear but doesn’t let it stop him one bit. He has helped me realize my passion to provide and advocate for the best end-of-life care for our senior pets.

    ~Olivia Gardner



    This was my soul dog, Chelsea. We adopted her in 2015 along with her sister Molly, a golden lab. Both had been raised together, and when their guardian died, they went into a shelter where the Rescue I volunteered for rescued them. We were told that Molly was 12 and her sister Chelsea was 9. They were our first Foster Failures!

    Turned out Chelsea was probably 12, too. Molly was only with us for six months before she passed. Chelsea was with us for 2.5 years. She was the sweetest, most loving dog. She was also deaf. She didn’t walk, she pranced, and her fluffy ears bounced along with her. She loved everyone, including her other two dog sisters and the four cats we had, too. I am forever grateful to have had her in my life and forever in my heart. Senior dogs are the best; they are so grateful for a second chance and show you every day.
    ~Eve Pribel



    This is our sweet girl, Eliza, the day I met her. She was 11 years old when she came to Companion Pet Rescue & Transport of Western Tennessee, and I was going to foster her, but by the end of the day, I knew I would adopt her. She’s been with us for two years now, and we are so thankful for every single day we have with her. She is demanding, and the entire house revolves around her, and we wouldn’t have it any other way!
    ~Jenni Marlow


    Adopted this little bean, Juliet, in November 2015. The shelter estimated her to be 10-12 years old and we got over 7.5 amazing years together until she passed away this June. She was my first dog, the highlight of each day, and the queen of my heart and household. She was the perfect companion. Adopting a senior dog was the best decision and when I’m ready, I’ll open my heart and home to another old pup in need of love.
    ~Rita Treonis


    I met the love of my life, Roselyne, in August 2022 when she was already 11. It was love at first sight. I was only supposed to foster her with Refuge Des museaux et des ailes rescue but fell in love immediately and knew I could not let her go. I did not know I was missing her in my life, but since she is with me, I feel complete. Now Dachshund is my favorite breed! She is loving, so affectionate, quiet, follows you everywhere, and she loves to eat, even though she does not have any teeth left! She was exploited in a puppy mill for the first 7 years of her life, and I am so glad I can give her the best life she deserves for her last years. I can't imagine my life without her and cherish every day with her.  

    Credit photo: Sol Photographe  

    ~Maëva Roques


    Hello, I’d love to introduce our beloved Norma. She was found wandering the streets with her little friend. She found herself at the shelter at 14 years old. We happily made Norma part of our family. She is deaf but still has so much life and love to give. We are so grateful to have such a loving senior in our lives. Grateful for everything we do for her. Shelter seniors make the best family members. Thank you, Grey Muzzle.
    ~Jennifer Granko


    I've adopted 5 super seniors (two aged 12 years and three aged 15 years). The first four have crossed over the bridge. My current senior adoptee is Trixie. She was adopted in August 2021 and is 17.5 years young. Like the ones before her, Trixie reminds me every day to live life to the fullest. She's got a very upbeat personality and never fails to make me (and those she encounters) smile.
    ~Eva Zevola

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