The Grey Muzzle Organization provides funding for senior dog programs nationwide. Here you'll find a list of the organizations that have received Grey Muzzle funding. Please contact these organizations if you are considering adopting a senior dog, fostering, or volunteering.

Two small dogs outside
Lionel's Legacy
Funded 2014-2017, 2024
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A grant from The Grey Muzzle Organization will provide vital dental care for 40 senior pets through the Lionel’s Legacy “Free To Chew” Community Pet Dental Clinic, part of the Keeping Pets Home program. The Free To Chew program is a pet retention model aimed...
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Black and white dog with red collar
Little Shelter Animal Rescue and Adoption Center
Funded from 2017-2024
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The Grey Muzzle Organization grant will significantly improve the lives of dogs like Houston, a 13-year-old beagle mix who needed a senior blood panel and dental care. It will help offset blood work costs, surgery, and diagnostic testing, ensuring a healthier and happier life for...
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Brown dog
Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Greater Rochester
Funded 2017-2020, 2023, 2024
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The generous funding from the Grey Muzzle Organization will allow Lollypop Farm, The Humane Society of Greater Rochester, to continue providing specialized and sometimes extensive medical and dental care to senior dogs. The veterinary clinic at Lollypop Farm plays a vital role in preparing senior...
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Brown dog in grass
Lost Our Home
Funded 2021, 2024
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Last year, Lost Our Home Pet Rescue provided love, care, and support to 157 senior dogs until they were reunited with their pet parents or found new homes. A Grey Muzzle grant will enable LOH to continue its mission by covering the medical and dental...
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Max’s Helping Paws Foundation
Funded 2022-2024
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This grant from Grey Muzzle provides support to Max’s established Get Em’ to the Vet and Short-Term Care Programs. It will assist senior dogs needing emergent, unexpected, and necessary veterinary care. As dogs get older, health crises often increase. Max’s strongly believes a senior dog’s...
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